I.  Application Process

Thank you for your interest in partnering with the Junior League of Jackson (JLJ) to use our volunteer and financial resources to help improve the lives of children and youth in our community.  The Junior League of Jackson endorses a Community Impact Model for the selection and evaluation of its community projects.  This model requires the League to identify a small number of critical community needs, and to place its volunteers and project funds exclusively or primarily in those areas, in order to maximize the League’s effectiveness in improving the community.  The League has identified the following community needs:  EARLY LITERACY, TEENAGE PREGNANCY PREVENTION, NUTRITION, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL WELLNESS.  If your proposed project addresses one or more of these needs, we look forward to considering a partnership with your organization.

Our online application form has been revised, so we ask that you complete the application in its entirety.  If you have more than one proposed project idea, please submit a separate and complete application form for each proposal.  All Proposed Projects must begin no earlier than June 1, 2016, and conclude no later than May 31, 2017.

*If you are a Member of the Junior League of Jackson, please DO NOT LOGIN to submit this proposal.  

II.  Contact Information

III.  Proposed Project Information
How will JLJ Volunteers be involved in your project?  (Example:  Volunteers will read with students individually for 20-minute blocks two days each week, preferably Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m., OR volunteers will purchase a variety of nutritious foods during the school week, fill backpacks with nutritious foods and deliver to the community partner no later than noon on Fridays during the school year.)

Where will the Proposed Project activities take place?

*Indicate below the time(s) of year the Proposed Project activities that involve JLJ Volunteers will take place:

*Indicate below the day(s) of the week the Proposed Project activities that involve JLJ Volunteers will take place:


*Indicate below the time(s) of the day the Proposed Project activities that involve JLJ volunteers will take place.  (The JLJ cannot fill Proposed Projects that take place solely in the afternoon.  If your Proposed Project, as it is planned, takes place at this time, ask yourself if the project schedule is flexible.  For example, if you are planning an afterschool art program, is it possible to plan summer art classes instead?)

Yes    No   

Look at your Proposed Project timeline and list of Proposed Project activities that are to be completed by JLJ Volunteers. How many JLJ Volunteers will you need to complete this Proposed Project, knowing that each JLJ Volunteer must work 50 hours on the Proposed Project?  Please include preparation time in your calculations.  For example, if JLJ Volunteers will prepare food as a part of the Proposed Project, please include time needed for shopping and food preparation.  Each Proposed Project must have a minimum of 5 JLJ Volunteers to be considered.  You may include a minimum and maximum number of JLJ Volunteers.  (If you do not need JLJ Volunteers to complete your Proposed Project, your Proposed Project is considered ineligible.) 

Please provide the contact information of the individual from your organization who will be on site during the completion of activities related to this project:
IV.  Proposed Project Budget

Please keep in mind when completing your budget that JLJ does not pay ongoing salaries or stipends or administrative and overhead costs; however, JLJ funds may be used for guest speakers, etc. hired specifically for the Proposed Project.  You may click here to download a copy of the table below or develop a similar table of your own.  Save your completed budget as a PDF or Word document and upload below.


*Please upload your completed Completed Project Proposal Budget Form here:

V.  Community Impact Information

*The JLJ’s focus is children and youth.  If the age group(s) your Proposed Project will serve does not fit into one of these categories, your project is not eligible for this project year.  Please indicate the age group(s) that will be served by this project and provide the number of children and youth in each age group:

1 to 10 children
11 to 20 children
21 to 30 children
31 to 40 children
41 to 50 children
50 plus children
Not applicable
1 to 10 children
11 to 20 children
21 to 30 children
31 to 40 children
41 to 50 children
50 plus children
Not applicable
1 to 10 children
11 to 20 children
21 to 30 children
31 to 40 children
41 to 50 children
50 plus children
Not applicable
1 to 10 children
11 to 20 children
21 to 30 children
31 to 40 children
41 to 50 children
50 plus children
Not applicable
Early Literacy
Teenage Pregnancy Prevention
Physical Activity
Social and Emotional Wellness
*Choose the community need(s) your Proposed Project will address; it is possible to select multiple options, BUT is not necessary to select more than one.
What specific outcomes do you expect to achieve?
VI.  Project Evaluation

The focus of the Junior League of Jackson continues to be improving the lives of children and youth in our community, with special emphasis in the areas of early literacy, teenage pregnancy prevention, nutrition, physical activity and social and emotional wellness.  All projects will include a comprehensive evaluation to measure community impact in these areas, including an exit interview with the community partner at the conclusion of the project.  Project evaluations will help your organization and the Junior League of Jackson plan better projects, improve service to constituents, build stronger communities and determine the impact this project has on our community.

With this information in mind, how will you evaluate this project? How will you know it is successful?  Do you have evidence that this has been a successful project in the past?  What information and data will you collect throughout the project to demonstrate that your goals and outcomes have been realized?  For example,  if your project is helping 3rd graders improve reading skills, you would want to know if their reading test scores have improved and by how much. 

VII.  Review and Submission of Application

You’re almost done! Look back at the information you have provided.  Have you described in very specific terms what you hope to accomplish with this project?  Have you described in detail what each JLJ volunteer will be doing?  Have you filled out the application in its entirety?

*Please confirm that you have the authority on behalf of your organization to submit this Proposed Project and that your organization is aware of this submission:

*  The Project Package for 2016-2017 will be finalized by the Junior League of Jackson in February of 2016, and you will be notified of the JLJ decision regarding this Proposed Project via email by February 29, 2016. 

*  A Community Project Agreement (contract) will be required of all Community Partners before the beginning of any project with the Junior League of Jackson. 

*  When this form is complete, please click on the SUBMIT button below.  You will receive a confirmation e-mail upon receipt of your completed application.


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